A lot of the photos are tied in with my "Story-line" section. 

These are just a handful of 4000 others to see.You can see them on flickr just follow the link, or copy and paste it into your search bar. http://www.flickr.com/photos/pennyseverythingnature/

The Buzzards I followed along the river, watching them raise their chicks! 

 Buzzards raising chicks across the river! 

Romeo's winter portrait, as I was lying in the grass. 

Snuffles all around. The friendly hedgehogs. 

Samson the fox 

The rare Roe deer rut taking place right before my eyes! 

I edited this one, and put the diagram in on a pipistrelle bat in flight. 

A pipistrelle bat in flight 

A Friendly Hedgehog. 

Shaunt'e the fox drinking from the trough right near me. 


A doe in the meadow of butter cups. 

 Doe in the meadow of buttercups. This is the same field that is shown for the background of this web's home page.

One of the little owl chicks! 

Romeo 2 and a half meters away from me in the spring. 

 A Great spotted woodpecker feeding her chicks.I was in my camoflage bird hide for hours.

One of the cheeky mink that live on our river, that I watch regularly here. 

 A pipistrelle bat hunting!

 A Pipistrelle bat swooping it's tail membrane to catch an insect and swoop it into it's mouth.

Old Buck during the summer! 

 Samson jumping through a fence!

 "Bold" sitting by the gate I was leaning on.



A sparrowhawk with a pigeon as it's dinner! 

Dodger on the headge with rubal ( the collapsed shed). 

Lots of badger watching. Here is "Humbug!" 

The macro life is overwhelmingly numerous! 

To get rabbits to trust you like this baby one here...you just have to find their warren, sit by it completely still for a while, until they come out, and don't move. 

I was able to watch a mother Tawny owl feed her chicks. Here is one that seemed to take a liking to me after I called a "Kiwick" call to it.

Humbug the badger on IR. 

Mid-summer colour. 

Macro of common frog. 

Two very cozy foxes. 

This grass snake doesn't like macro photography. 

Fox saying peekaboo. This one seemed very unbothered by my presence. It even layed back down and started grooming, just because I was stock still for an hour or so. 

Glow worms are scattered all over the Willoughby's and illuminate the meadows and woods. 

Jaw dropping stuff William!!! I got him to come and investigate me. 

The fox family, mum, dad and one of the cubs. 

Mum, dad and cub. The cub was suckiling from the mother here. 


It's all in the eyes...truely wild! 

Jasmine the Roe deer fawn. I am priveleged to watch her grow up beside her mother. 


The blue gems of the river...kingfishers. 

The same technique of waiting really still, and you have a new bunny friend. 

Macro of woodmouse by the badger sett. Very trusting and daring. They just couldn't resist stashing those peanuts, they even went on the camera I was holding and up my sleeve. I watched them while lying on the ground. 

Young Tawny owl. 

The shallows of the river. 

And here is a 2010 shot of the meadows in buttercup bloom in may. ( The background of this web's home page.) 



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